Northwest Ohio Virtual Academy (NOVA)
NOVA is a consortium of approximately 60 school districts/ESCs in Ohio that share a common vision for providing opportunities to students.
Our purpose is to assist our member districts by:
Offering electives to students that districts do not have the staff to support
Provide an avenue for students who have left the district for online schools or homeschooling
Keeping students from leaving the district by offering a variety of curriculum options
Offering credit recovery and intervention curriculum to increase the district's graduation rate
Creating purchasing power for online learning platforms by joining together to buy licenses
Sharing teachers in hard to staff areas such as foreign languages

What we do: We partner with SchoolsPLP for our LMS to provide a wide variety of learning opportunities and options to our member districts. Member districts utilize their own staff to administer their program locally, with NOVA providing the framework and support.
How we do it: Schools who contract with us utilize SchoolsPLP in the manner that best fits their needs, with many customizable options available. Primary uses include School from home/Virtual School, core and elective courses, credit recovery, enrichment/intervention and broadening opportunities. Our curriculum providers through the SchoolsPLP LMS include: Bright Thinker, Lincoln Learning, eDynamic, MathSpace, Pointful CTE